'Twas The Night Before Sixpence...
'Twas the night before Sixpence and all through the house
Not a sound could be heard, bar the click of a mouse
The actress is sat with computer and tea,
Perusing a train timetable up on the screen.
Her script and her score, freshly printed and bound
Lie open and waiting 'side her on the ground,
As with dozens of markers, in every shade,
She carefully inks in the scribbles she's made,
And highlights her lines, before heading to bed.
Tomorrow she'll put voice to words only read!
There'll be full cast and comp'ny, creatives and crew
Designers, wigs, wardrobe, a producer or two
And we'll meet and we'll greet, drink a coffee and hence
Sit down for the first read of Half a Sixpence.
A model box showing will follow the pages,
(That's the set but displayed on the tiniest of stages)
Then after lunch, dancing, singing and more,
Making notes in the script, learning notes from the score.
And before too long we'll all head Chichester way
To present them a classic told in a new play.
Anticipation is brooding, adventures are dawning,
Set the alarm for an exciting morning!
Rehearsal bag set, stuffed with dance shoes and kit,
Packed lunch and snacks for an energy hit.
But just as she's ready, butterflies in her tummy,
First day nerves still seem to make her feel funny.
Go to bed, try to sleep, close your eyes, dream and thence,